Inasmuch Foundation is listening to the nonprofit community and needs your input to ensure our response is targeted and effective. If you are a nonprofit organization serving Central Oklahoma, please complete this survey by Friday, April 3rd to help us assess COVID-19's impact on the nonprofit sector. Your survey responses will help us identify critical needs in our community and direct Inasmuch Foun
the latest news & updates

In times of rapid change, we are grateful for all the nonprofit organizations mobilizing to meet the growing needs of our community. Now more than ever, we value our partnerships and will be reaching out to our grantees during this challenging time. Currently, all Inasmuch Foundation employees are working remotely until April 6th. A full staff directory can be found here. Please reach out with any questions or concerns via email or our cell phones.

OKLAHOMA CITY --- Inasmuch Foundation announced today a series of changes aligned with the Foundation’s strategic plan. The most significant change is the consolidation of Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation into Inasmuch Foundation.