the latest news & updates

 Launch of Oklahoma Media Center

Building off a successful cooperative media convening last fall, Inasmuch Foundation is launching the Oklahoma Media Center in partnership with Local Media Association.  The Center will act as a hub for collaboration and provide resources to advance local journalism and strengthen Oklahoma's news and information ecosystem.  While The Coronavirus Storytelling Project announced two weeks ago provides assistance to individuals during the COVID-19 crisis, the Center will direct support to journalism organizations and be b

COVID-19 Updates

Thank you to everyone that completed our COVID-19 Survey.  Your responses have given our team a great snapshot of the critical needs within our community and the inspiring response of the nonprofit sector.

COVID-19 Updates

We continue to be inspired by the Oklahoma nonprofit sector's response to COVID-19 amid the challenges it presents to your organizations and clients.  One potential source of relief during these uncertain times is through the CARES Act loan programs.  Nonprofits are eligible to apply for the Payment Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program.  The best advice we continue to hear about these programs is to APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.   Applications are now open and money will be lent on a first-com